Walking Q-tips

I went to meet the family that I''ll be doing a story on today,  the Pease family from Tunbridge, VT.  The family has been involved with the Tunbridge World Fair for over 50 years and will be entering again this year.  Four of the family's six children will be entering animals including cows, sheep, rabbits, and ducks.  
Today I just went to meet them and talk to them but I ended up shooting a little bit, I also helped catch a sheep after she jumped off the stand where her wool was being scrubbed.  I've been told that the best way to describe the atmosphere of The World's Fair is to read Charlotte's Web by E.B. White.  I was pretty excited to hear that. 
Prudence Pease of Tunbridge, VT scrubs her 2-year-old sheep, Tiger Lily, in preparation for the Tunbridge World Fair, which begins on Thursday.  "Ivory soap works best for this, by the time I'm done with her she will be a walking q-tip," said Prudence. 

Oh! and "guess what I learned on NPR today?" :)